Is It the Mark?

While the world undergoes the largest clinical trial in history, one has to wonder what is the rush to participate in something so unknown. In college they would advertise for subjects who would be willing to give their time and bodies for studies, and the college would pay (usually) poor students for their participation. Now it’s all free: free to be the recipient and no remuneration is given to the subjects who are part of the trial.

Speaking of college, while it has been a while for me and I did enjoy it, the instructor would often require an article for an assignment of so many pages or words, etc. An “empirical” assignment is defined as: “An empirical research article reports research based on actual observation or experiment ” ( I’ll spare the references part of this article, I’m just too lazy to do that part.

We were required to have our title and the abstract, or summary of the paper’s contents. Also needed was the keywords. “Keywords are words that capture the essence of your paper” (

So if I were to write an article based on the title of this blog, I guess I’d use keywords such as: Revelation 13, inoculation, commerce, all nations, great delusion, grievous, nanogel, prions, shedding, great delusion (oh wait, I used that one), beast, dragon, loved ones, uncertainty, untested, redeemable, book of life, eternal life, damnation, conspiracy, fact, medical professionals, government, trustworthy, track record, elite, pestilence, sword, famine, God, Jesus Christ, trumpets, vials…

That’s a lot of keywords. That could be a really long article. I suppose I should organize those words better so they make a complete thought, but that’s just how they were coming out. I guess that’s my thought process. Believe me, there’s more in there.

I’m not going to write that article. That article is written in the heart of every man and woman. Examining our hearts is part of this process we call life. But isn’t life one big research study? I guess it should be called a wesearch study. What we seek out is what we will ultimately give our life to: do we love the world more than God? Hmm. Boy, this could be a really long article. It’ll go on in my mind, don’t worry. I won’t bore you with it.

Just one more thought: A dear friend said, “Shouldn’t the mark be more obvious? Like shouldn’t all believers know if it is?” I prayed on that for a few days. The main thing that came to me is really, at first, only 12 people recognized Jesus for who He was. The world was then enlightened by that first handful of followers. (Remember, the demons are believers, too, so that word is fluid.) And how will people know if someone is not sent to tell them (Romans 10:14-15)? But, alas, we still have the great delusion:

2 Thessalonians 2:11 And for this reason God will send them strong delusion, that they should believe the lie, 12 that they all may be condemned who did not believe the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness. (Read the first ten verses of that chapter for great context.)

So, I guess you have to decide for yourself and finish your own study. Now is such a good time to do our wesearch and close ourselves in with Him. The answer isn’t here, for I am just as fallible as any preacher, teacher, pastor, what have you. Man is fallible. God is not. Jesus is not. Please don’t play with fire.

Published by Professing Christians

Professing Christian who professes Christ and Him crucified. I believe in the crucifixion of our flesh, the absolute necessity of being Spirit-led, and the soon (in our lifetime) return of the Lord Jesus, Yahushuah.

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